SilverFast - Qualitäts-Scanner und Digital Imaging Software aus Deutschland seit 1986

Kodachrome-Scans haben oft einen starken Blaustich. SilverFast bietet eine qualitativ hochwertige Möglichkeit, Kodachrome-Dias effektiv, farbkalibriert, mit maximalem Dynamikumfang und ohne Staub und Kratzer zu scannen.

Scannen Sie Ihre Kodachrome-Bilder ohne Blaustich und Staub und Kratzer


Einfacher Stapel-Scan in SilverFast

Unter Stapelscannen versteht man die automatische Durchführung mehrerer Scans hintereinander. Ein Flachbettscanner nimmt mehrere Fotos, Dias oder Filmstreifen auf, die mit der Stapelscanfunktion alle gleichzeitig digitalisiert werden können.


Anyone working with Kodachrome scans without adjusting the scanner to the special film properly knows the problem of the unsightly bluecast. Some scanner manufacturer’s software may have a Kodachrome mode for selection, which usually isn’t very helpful because a device specific calibration is lacking. Therefore we have implemented generic Kodachrome ICC-profiles for many supported film scanners in SilverFast. These provide the user with a very good starting point.

Kodachromes with maximum Dynamic Range

Scanning Kodachromes with attention to recording the complete Dynamic Range is a considerable challenge. This, because the Dynamic Range reaches up to 3.8D – which is a grayscale range of 6300 shades and equals a contrast range of 1:6300! Fortunately SilverFast Multi-Exposure can handle the enormous Dynamic Range with film scanners. This guarantees reproduction of the deepest shades inside Kodachromes successfully.

Watch our Video to learn more about SilverFast’s Kodachrome features

Unterstützte Scanner

Die unten aufgeführten Scanner unterstützen den Kodachrome-Modus.

ScanWit 2750S, 2750i, 2750U

FS 120

MultiMag SlideScan 3600

MultiMag SlideScan 4000 / 4000b

MultiMag SlideScan 6000

MultiMag SlideScan 7000

CanoScan 8600F

CanoScan 8800F

CanoScan 9000F

CanoScan 9000F Mark II





Expression 10000XL

Expression 10000XL / ES-10000G

Ausdruck 11000XL

Expression 11000XL / ES-11000G

Ausdruck 12000XL

Ausdruck 13000XL

Expression 1600 / 1600 Pro / ES-2000

Ausdruck 1640XL

Expression 1640XL / ES-8500





















Perfection 2450 Photo

Perfection 2450 Photo / GT-9700F

Perfection 2480 Photo

Perfection 2480 Photo / GT-F500

Perfection 2580 Photo

Perfection 2580 Photo / GT-F550

Perfection 3200 Foto/Pro

Perfection 3200 Photo/Pro / GT-9800F

Perfektion 4490 / GT-X750

Perfektion 4490 Foto

Perfektion 4870 Foto

Perfection 4870 Photo / GT-X700

Perfektion 4990 Foto

Perfection 4990 Photo / GT-X800

Perfection V10

Perfection V10 / GT-S600

Perfection V100 Photo

Perfection V100 Photo / GT-F650

Perfection V200 Photo

Perfection V200 Photo / GT-F670

Perfection V300 Photo

Perfection V300 Photo / GT-F720

Perfection V330 Photo

Perfection V330 Photo / GT-F730

Perfection V350 Photo

Perfection V350 Photo / GT-F700

Perfektion V370 / GT-F740

Perfection V370 Foto

Perfektion V500 / GT-X770

Perfection V500 Foto

Perfection V550 Foto

Perfection V600 Foto

Perfection V600 Photo / GT-X820

Perfection V700 Foto

Perfection V700 Photo / GT-X900

Perfektion V750 Pro

Perfection V750 Pro / GT-X970

Perfection V800 Foto

Perfektion V850 Pro

Perfektion V850 Pro / GT-X980

Stylus Photo RX620

Chromagraph 3300/3400 (Mac)

Chromagraph 3300/3400 (Win)

NexScan (Mac)

NexScan (Win)

PrimeScan (Mac)

PrimeScan (Win)

Tango/XL (Mac)

Tango/XL (Win)

Topaz (Mac)

Topaz (Win)

Scanjet 8300

Scanjet G4050

ArtixScan F1

ArtixScan F2

ArtixScan M1

ScanMaker i800 Plus

ScanMaker i900

DiMAGE Scan Elite 5400 (not Elite 5400 II)

DiMAGE Scan Elite 5400 II

LS 2000 / Super Coolscan 2000

LS 4000ED / Super Coolscan 4000 ED

LS 40ED / Coolscan IV ED

LS 5000ED / Super Coolscan 5000 ED

LS 50ED / Coolscan V ED

LS 8000ED / Super Coolscan 8000 ED

LS 9000ED / Super Coolscan 9000 ED

PowerSlide 3600

PowerSlide 3650

PowerSlide 5000

PowerSlide X

PrimeFilm 120 / 120 Pro

PrimeFilm 3600u

PrimeFilm 3650 Pro3

PrimeFilm 7200

PrimeFilm 7250 Pro3

PrimeFilm 7250u

PrimeFilm X

PrimeFilm XA

PrimeFilm XA Plus

PrimeFilm XAs

PrimeFilm XE

PrimeFilm XEs

OpticFilm 120

OpticFilm 120 Pro

OpticFilm 135i

OpticFilm 7200

OpticFilm 7200i

OpticFilm 7300

Intelli Scan 5000

CrystalScan 3600

CrystalScan 7200

DigitDia 3600

DigitDia 4000

DigitDia 5000

DigitDia 6000

DigitDia 7000

DigitDia 8000

iScan 3600

MF 5000

ProScan 10T

ProScan 4000

ProScan 7200


RPS 7200

Powerlook 270 II

Kodachromes without dust and scratches – iSRD and SRDx

Conventional dust and scratch removal tools (like ICE) fail on Kodachromes because the film emulsion is different from normal color film. Using a combination of SilverFast’s improved dust and scratch removal tools iSRD and SRDx reliably ensures dust and scratch-free Kodachrome scans. It may be particularly helpful to use a polygon or path mask, as well as the marker and eraser tools included with SilverFast Ai Studio to limit corrections to specific areas of the image.

Unterstützte Scanner

Die aufgeführten Scanner wurden getestet und unterstützen SilverFasts Kodachrome-Features. Die Liste wird laufend erweitert.

SilverFast Editions

Kodachrome-Profile sind nicht in SilverFast SE enthalten, aber in den Versionen SE Plus, Ai Studio and Archive Suite.
