SilverFast - Escáner de calidad y software de imagen digital hecho en Alemania desde 1986

Retouching • Optimizing • Fantastic Images • High Dynamic Range

SilverFast HDR Digital Imaging Software

Image Processing at the Highest Stage

SilverFast HDR (High Dynamic Range) is an image processing software that masters all the essential functions of color restoration, image optimization and color management. This makes the SilverFast HDR series a true alternative to Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Lightroom in these areas.

Powerful features included with SilverFast HDR Software:

  • HDR – High Dynamic Range: High Contrast Range for More Image Details
  • Color Reproduction and Management
  • Optimización no destructiva de imágenes
  • Multiple Processings without Loss of Quality
  • Constant Maximum Bit Depth and Image Information
  • Clone-Tool, SRDx, HiRePP, JobManager …
  • JobMonitor: SilverFast iPhone App
  • Optional Add-on: ColorServer Image Processing System

SilverFast HDR offers tools for automatic image optimization and color cast removal. You can easily adapt individual colors or the overall color impression. Tools for image sharpening and removal of defects make the HDR software a performant allrounder.

If you want to get the maximum out of the digital images coming from your camera or other sources, SilverFast supports you with numerous automatic functions. SilverFast HDR helps you to restore the original quality of the scanned images. The JobManager facilitates your work by allowing you to process series of images manually or with optimizations that you copy from one image to the other images.

As integral part of the SilverFast RAW data concept, SilverFast offers optimal quality from end to end. You work lossless and non-destructive with full bit depth at all times, keeping your original images untouched and with the option to return to their initial state. Instead of processing your images over and over again with every tool, SilverFast stores your optimizations in the first place. They are then applied in an optimal sequence during the final processing. Thus, you do not have to worry about the order in which the tools are used.

Digital Imaging Software Editions

Choose between PLUS and PREMIUM edition.
  • Image Processing Assistant
  • One-click Image Optimization
  • Film and Color Profiles
  • Vídeos de ayuda
  • Features for Dust and Scratch Removal

y más

  • All Features of HDR and additionally:
  • Color Reproduction and Management
  • Optimización no destructiva de imágenes
  • Mesa Luminosa Virtual
  • Dust and Scratch Removal and Clone-Tool

y más

Más información sobre el concepto y las funciones del software de imagen digital SilverFast

Potentes funciones para imágenes brillantes

HDR Studio is different and this is on purpose. It focuses on the essential functionality of image editing and it masters this perfectly. Try SilverFast HDR imaging software and find out why it is worthwhile to use our alternative.

Precise Preview before Processing

Workflowpilot - Potente asistente

Optimización no destructiva de imágenes

Histograma de 16 bits - Control total

SRDx - Eliminación eficaz de polvo y arañazos

Herramientas de optimización automática y manual

You are looking for something else?

Software de escáner

Ajustado individualmente a cada modelo de escáner, SilverFast saca la máxima calidad de cualquier dispositivo y supera claramente los resultados del software de los fabricantes.

Software de archivo

El Archive Suite es un paquete de gestión de color, software de escáner y software de imagen. Escanee y archive sus imágenes hoy, optimícelas y procéselas mañana.

Soluciones especiales

LaserSoft Imaging desarrolla también soluciones para negocios hechas a la medida. SilverFast es un elemento valioso en muchas aplicaciones de negocios especializadas.

Compare SilverFast

BASIC, PLUS and PREMIUM editions have different sets of SilverFast feature highlights. Compare SilverFast's Scanner Software editions here.

Requisitos del sistema

Aquí puede asegurarse de que la configuración de su sistema cumple los requisitos mínimos de SilverFast en cuanto a hardware y sistemas operativos.
