SilverFast - Scanner de qualité et logiciel d'imagerie numérique fabriqué en Allemagne depuis 1986

News Banner macOS Sonoma

SilverFast 9 now supports macOS 14 Sonoma

Update: New Operating System

Apple has released its 2023 operating system update, and SilverFast 9 is fully compatible. The software also supports Apple’s new ARM-based M1 system on a chip, provided your scanner manufacturer offers the appropriate device drivers.

SilverFast 9 has now been in use for three years and has proven its reliability. See for yourself the many advantages it offers.

  • Increased efficiency, faster performance, and a more attractive design
  • New WorkflowPilot – more workflows and a simpler concept
  • Fresh design – innovative and well-organized
  • Optimized features like Frame Detection, SRDx, and Descreening
  • Over 100 additional improvements…

You own SilverFast 8? Upgrade now!

Upgrade to SilverFast 9 through our Online Store and have your serial number ready to receive an upgrade discount.

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Khromeland at Photopia
Christian Gregoire

Rendez-nous visite au salon photo Photopia

Visitez-nous au salon Photopia LaserSoft Imaging au salon Photopia - l'événement de l'industrie de la photographie et de la vidéographie ! du 21 au 24 septembre à Hambourg, en Allemagne. Vous y trouverez

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