Web Seminar: Scanning and Archiving with SilverFast
Digitizing and archiving with SilverFast
Nowadays, most people take photos digitally, but many old photos and valuable memories are still lying dormant in slide cases or shoe boxes. It doesn’t have to stay that way! Bring your photo prints, slides and negatives into the digital age. The ideal scanning workflow: Find out in this webinar with Peter Hoffmann what you need and how you can work professionally and efficiently with our scanning software SilverFast.
Date: December 12, 2024
Time: 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Speaker: Peter Hoffmann
Language: German
About Peter Hoffmann
Peter Hoffmann has been working as an IT lecturer for over 20 years and is passionate about giving seminars and workshops on photography and image processing. He discovered his passion for photography as a teenager when he developed his first black and white photos in his own photo lab. He also regularly writes for the German magazine fotoforum about trends and techniques in digital photography.
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