HDR version is ideal for users who can produce RAW high bit data…, the color neg handling is very, very good. Highly recommended!
SilverFast HDR (High Dynamic Range) is our software variant for processing scanner RAW data and image data from various other sources. The functionality, adapted from our scanner software, meets highest standards and is ideally suited for image optimization.
SilverFast HDR is suitable for all already scanned images and for all other digital images except for proprietary RAW data formats. Download free trial software and convince yourself.
Per saperne di più sul concetto e sulle caratteristiche del software di imaging digitale SilverFast
SilverFast includes a whole range of powerful features. Below you will find a list of the top highlights of this version. More information about other SilverFast features highlights can be found in our overview of all SilverFast features.
SilverFast - molto più di una semplice scansione! State appena scoprendo il mondo della fotografia analogica o avete già una collezione di immagini che aspetta da tempo di essere scansionata?
HDR version is ideal for users who can produce RAW high bit data…, the color neg handling is very, very good. Highly recommended!
We recommend our professional version SilverFast HDR Studio to photographers and advanced users. Take advantage of SilverFast’s full functionality including patented Auto IT8 calibration for correct colors right from the beginning of your workflow.
Siamo lieti di presentarvi la nostra guida di SilverFast SE per avere una panoramica del concetto e del flusso di lavoro del software.
SilverFast Scanner software and HDR software are quite similar to use. This supplemental sheet shows the differences.
Qui è possibile assicurarsi che la configurazione del sistema soddisfi i requisiti minimi di SilverFast per quanto riguarda l'hardware e i sistemi operativi.
LaserSoft Imaging AG
Luisenweg 6-8
24105 Kiel, Germania