High-Quality preview lets me see the entire scan at full resolution and is invaluable for close edits. Being able to zoom in at 1:1 and fine-tune different variables makes the effects of tools like USM or iSRD far easier to control.
スライドやネガは、注意深く扱っても、小さな埃や傷があります。オリジナル画像には数百から数千の小さな欠陥(ホコリの粒や糸くず)があり、デジタル化後に初めて目に見えるようになることが多いため、それらを一つ一つ取り除くには膨大な時間がかかります。LaserSoft Imagingはこの問題に対する信頼性の高いソリューションを開発しました。
赤外線は非常に大きな波長を持っているため、ネガやスライドのフィルム乳剤を抵抗なく透過することができます。逆にホコリやキズは透過せず反射されます。iSRDはこの性質を利用し、次のように機能させています。画像は2回スキャンされます- 1回目は通常のRGBスキャン、2回目はホコリやキズなどの欠陥のみを捉える追加の赤外線スキャンです。その後、重要なディテールを失うことなく、赤外線チャンネルが検出した欠陥部分のみを計算処理する事によってホコリやキズを除去します。
Watch our Video to learn more about SilverFast’s Infrared Dust and Scratch Removal
The listed scanners are tested to support the iSRD feature.
High-Quality preview lets me see the entire scan at full resolution and is invaluable for close edits. Being able to zoom in at 1:1 and fine-tune different variables makes the effects of tools like USM or iSRD far easier to control.
iSRD is a highly reliable and comprehensive solution for infrared-based dust and scratch removal. Note the preview functionality, the access to every parameter and the opportunity to work with a mask tool.
When I finally came to fully understand the iSRD function in SilverFast the “light bulb” fired up. I was thunder struck by the enormous chunk of time-saving help this feature offered. Batman had his utility belt, but I have SilverFast and have to believe I am just getting started with harnessing its power.
The SilverFast preview is ideal. All manipulations are shown almost in real-time depending on the computational complexity and hardware equipment. It is also possible to directly examine the result of some extensive features such as Unsharp Masking or the infrared dust and scratch removal tool iSRD. Using the 100% preview every little change is visible.
Special Case: Black-and-White and Kodachrome film with infrared-based defect removal iSRD
Kodachrome film: With Kodachrome images, an automatic defect detection can be more difficult, since the film emulsion is so dense, particularly in the dark image areas, that infrared light cannot pass through sufficiently. For this reason, for the software dark image area does not differ from dust or other dirt particles. SilverFast’s iSRD Dust and Scratch Removal has been specially adapted for Kodachrome film to take this into account. The Kodachrome optimized iSRD engine is used automatically once the Kodachrome mode is activated. It may be particularly helpful to use a polygon or path mask, as well as the marker and eraser tools included with SilverFast Ai Studio to limit corrections to specific areas of the image.
白黒フィルム: 白黒フィルムは、キズやホコリの除去という点で、もう一つの例外的なケースです。このフィルムはカラースライドやカラーネガとは異なり、ハロゲン化銀の層があるため、スキャナーの赤外線は乳剤を通過することができません。このため、iSRD、ICE、FARE、MagicTouchのような赤外線ベースのツールは使用できません。
SRDx, our software-based dust and scratch removal, has bee developed especially for black and white film. It ensures effective removal of dust and scratches from black and white film and, in combination with SilverFast iSRD, represents an ideal solution for Kodachromes.
SilverFast SRDxは、キズやホコリを除去するためのソフトウェアベースのツールです。 つまり、赤外線機能を持たないスキャナには最適なツールです。SilverFast SRDxは iSRDの強力な追加機能です。両方の機能を最適に組み合わせることで、ハードウェアおよびソフトウェアの面から不具合を取り除くことができます。
リストアップされたスキャナーはSilverFast iSRDキズ・ホコリ除去機能の動作確認を行っております。今後、順次追加されていく予定です。お使いのスキャナーがリストにない場合は、SilverFast SRDxの使用をお試しください。
BASIC, PLUS and PREMIUM editions have different sets of SilverFast feature highlights. Compare SilverFast's Scanner Software editions here.
LaserSoft Imaging AG