After using the software for 4 – 5 months, I’ve gone to love SilverFast and the whole entire workflow. […] The reason why I like SilverFast: The workflow is super super fast.
Fortunately, photo digitalization is quite simple. Digitalization preserves image quality, keeping the image intact and providing access to countless copies of the original image. It is also possible to restore blown out and even scratched images and then print them out in their new form. Whether working with black & white or color images, it is amazing to witness, the high-quality restoration of decade-old photos. A small tip: family photos can be scanned to create a beautiful picture album, an absolute eyecatcher and always a great present.
それでは特に写真、インスタント カメラの画像、およびその他の反射原稿を高品質でスキャンする場合に注意すべき点を見てみましょう。
すべてのSilverFastバージョンには、お手持ちのスキャナ用のカラープロファイルが付属しています。IT8ターゲットを購入し、SilverFast Ai Studioで利用可能なIT8キャリブレーション機能と合わせて個々のプロファイルでさらに微調整を行うことができます。
Adaptive color restoration ACR helps with the quick and uncomplicated restoration of faded colors. ACR provides the user with easy to use one-lick automatic color restoration. Custom color intensity adjustment is also available via the color saturation slider. This slider also allows the user to transform a color image into black & white.
When working with photo prints, it is common to come across defects caused by dust, scratches, creases, holes and fingerprints. However, this does not mean that these defects have to remain in the scanned image. Many scanners possess an infrared channel for the removal of dust and scratches. This infrared channel recognizes defects when working with transparent originals, such as slides and film strips. Infrared light is, however, incompatible with reflective originals, such as photo prints. This is due to the fact that infrared light is unable to penetrate the photo prints’ reflective material. But there is another way. SilverFast offers 2 tools for the effective removal of defects from photo prints: the software-based dust and scratch remove tool SRDx and the Clone Tool.When working with photo prints, it is common to come across defects caused by dust, scratches, creases, holes and fingerprints. However, this does not mean that these defects have to remain in the scanned image. Many scanners possess an infrared channel for the removal of dust and scratches. This infrared channel recognizes defects when working with transparent originals, such as slides and film strips. Infrared light is, however, incompatible with reflective originals, such as photo prints. This is due to the fact that infrared light is unable to penetrate the photo prints’ reflective material. But there is another way. SilverFast offers 2 tools for the effective removal of defects from photo prints: the software-based dust and scratch remove tool SRDx and the Clone Tool.
SRDx is a software based dust and scratch removal tool. In essence, an intelligent algorithm searches for image defects and then marks these for removal. The software is thus able to clearly distinguish defects from their respective environment. The correction algorithm then fills the damaged image area with elements of the surrounding non-damaged area. Of course from time to time, even the most intelligent algorithm makes mistakes. To compensate for this, masks are used to reduce the correction tool to the affected area. In addition, SilverFast Ai Studio comes equipped with an eraser tool that allows for quick and effective protection of image details originally classified as defect.
大きな損傷を受けた部分には、SilverFast HDR Studioのクローン ツールを試してみましょう。このスタンプツールは、修復した部分の画像データを欠陥部分に転写するため、SRDxでは修復できないような大きなダメージも修復することができます。例えば、フォルダーに入れるときにできた深いシワや指紋はもちろん、ボードに貼るときにできた穴などです。SilverFast HDR Studioはすでにスキャンされた画像やRawデータを扱うので、編集中にスキャナーの完全なプレビューを待つ必要がなく、デジタル画像上での編集も非常に高速です。
基本的に、写真はSilverFastSE、SE Plus、AiStudioでスキャンすることができ、SilverFast SE PlusはSEより多くの機能を備えています。SilverFast AiStudioはSE Plusよりさらに多くの機能を備えています。Ai StudioのIT8キャリブレーションは、ワンクリックで正確な色調を再現する実用的なソリューションです。
画像を印刷することも考えているなら、SE PlusまたはAi Studioは特にお勧めです。なぜなら、この2つのバージョンはわずかな金額を追加するだけでプリンターキャリブレーションを含む製品にアップグレードすることができるからです。すでにキャリブレーションされたモニターと合わせて、少額の予算でカラーキャリブレーションされた一連の作業環境を構築することができます。
スキャニングと画像編集を別々に行う場合は、SilverFast Archive Suite (Ai Studio + HDR Studio)をお勧めします。スタンプツールの「クローンツール」はArchive Suiteでも利用できます。
After using the software for 4 – 5 months, I’ve gone to love SilverFast and the whole entire workflow. […] The reason why I like SilverFast: The workflow is super super fast.
LaserSoft Imaging AG