Extend the limits of film scanning: LaserSoft Imaging’s SilverFast Multi-Exposure increases effective dynamic range.
Multi-Exposure is one of the most popular SilverFast features. Experience here how your slide and negative scans can benefit from it.
Multi-Exposure is a technique for increasing a scanner’s Dynamic Range developed by LaserSoft Imaging. (Karl-Heinz Zahorsky, EP: 1744278, US 8,693,808)
The Dynamic Range of a scanner, also referred to as density range or contrast range, is a measurement for a scanner’s capability to recognize contrast levels. Contrary to reflective originals like photo transparent originals (black & white film), color negatives and slides consist of multiple film layers, which respond to light differently. Therefore, transparent originals achieve a high Dynamic Range when captured, which usually exceeds a scanner’s capabilities. As a consequence, especially in the very light and shadow image areas, image details get lost when scanning.
SilverFast Multi-Exposure records an original’s maximum Dynamic Range by performing a double scan with an increased exposure time of the second scan. This procedure captures the light image area’s details in the first pass and the shadow details in the second. Afterwards an algorithm calculates the final scan, which now contains any detail, from each single scan.
Watch our Video to learn more about SilverFast’s patented Multi-Exposure functionality
Ansel Adams(1902〜1984) はアメリカの著名な写真家ですが、アナログ写真にダイナミックレンジを巧みに使う達人として知られています。彼は、関係するすべての機器の感度を体系的に計測した最初の人物です。もし彼が、ソフトウェア開発者であったら、SilverFastのMulti-Exposureを開発した可能性が高いです。当社は、彼に続く形で、スキャン作業時のリバーサルフィルムとネガティブフィルムのダイナミックレンジの広さについて研究を重ねました。
Multi-Exposure was used to considerably reduce image noise in the example image on the left. In the image above Multi-Exposure managed to capture a lot more image details in the shadow areas. These differences would be especially stark when printing in large format.
Watch our Video to learnhow to use SilverFast Multi-Exposure for that preview scan. In this example you can see very clearly how Multi-Exposure can eliminate image noise.
Extend the limits of film scanning: LaserSoft Imaging’s SilverFast Multi-Exposure increases effective dynamic range.
SilverFast Multi-Exposure is another tool for optimizing the dynamic range. Especially transparencies like slides and negatives have a very high dynamic range, which usual scanners can not completely capture. Multi-Exposure performs two differently exposured scans, that are combined to a single image with greatly increased dynamic range, very similar to an HDR image.
The increase of Dynamic Range with Multi-Exposure is not only describable with words and pictures but also measurable with objective data.
For explanation: The density (density range = Dynamic Range) is specified as the decade logarithm of the light transmission’s reciprocal. That is, a Dynamic Range of 2.0, 3.0 or 4.0, respectively, means the scanner is able to implement a contrast ratio of 100:1, 1000:1 or 10,000:1, respectively. Therefore, an apparently slight Dynamic Range increase in the Canon CanoScan 9000F Mark II example from just 3.17 to 3.98 actually means that the 9000F Mark II with Multi-Exposure is capable of perceiving a contrast ratio of not just 1.479:1, but of 9.550:1. Using Multi-Exposure, the 9000F Mark II can distinguish more than 6x as many grayscales.
SilverFast Multi-Exposure cannot be used for every scan activity.
残念ながら、すべてのスキャナーが Multi-Exposure を使用できるわけではありません。技術的な理由により、露光時間を変えられない機種もあります。お使いのスキャナーが Multi-Exposure に対応しているかどうかは、以下の互換性リストをご覧ください。
Multi-Exposure is a feature of SilverFast scanner software シルバーファーストSEプラス そして シルバーファストAiスタジオ. Thus, it’s also part of our Archive Suite software packages. If you already own a different SilverFast edition, but are wanting to use Multi-Exposure, we offer the possibility to receive an upgrade at a reduced rate.
ダイナミックレンジの広いコダクロームフィルムのスキャン(デジタル化)作業は難しいのですが、当社のMulti-Exposureはこの難しい作業に最適です。SilverFast コダクロームモードと共にご使用をお勧めしています。
Multi-Exposureは、新しいSilverFast HDRiワークフローに完全に適合します。Multi-Exposureで取り込まれたHDRiスキャナーのRAWデータは、非常にディテールのはっきりした画像となります。そのため、SilverFast Archive Suiteは、高速アーカイブ化とその後の画像編集に最適です。
The listed scanners have been tested and support SilverFast Multi-Exposure. More scanners will be added to the list by and by.
Test Study: SilverFast Multi-Exposure and Scanner Dynamic Range for Epson and Nikon Scanners by Image Engineering, Germany
Test Study: SilverFast Multi-Exposure and Scanner Dynamic Range for Canon CanoScan 8600F by Image Engineering, Germany
LaserSoft Imaging AG