Really beautiful color profiles. […] That makes the job a lot easier. Their profiles are pretty good.
SilverFast NegaFix offers a convenient and professional way to convert your negatives into amazing positives.
You can choose a profile specific to your film from more than 120 available film profiles, which take the manufacturer, the exact film type and the film’s photoresponse into account. With additional sliders you can adjust several parameters such as the exposure; in the SilverFast Ai Studio 8 expert mode you can alter any alignment in great detail for achieving optimum results. SilverFast’s NegaFix guarantees a unique control when converting negatives to positives.
If there is no NegaFix profile included for your type of film, you can easily create an own profile with SilverFast Ai Studio 8. Just select a similar film’s profile and adjust its film curves.
The basic NegaFix functions allow even beginners to scan negative film with little effort, but very good results. Choose film manufacturer and type, activate the automatic, eventually switch on color cast removal CCR – and SilverFast will do the rest.
NegaFixの基本機能により、初心者でも簡単にネガフィルムをスキャンする事ができ、最高の仕上がりを実現します。 フィルムのメーカーと種類を選択し、自動画像最適化を有効にし、色かぶり除去CCRをオンにします - 後はSilverFastが全て行ってくれます。 SilverFast Ai Studioでは、NegaFixのエキスパートモードにて、ネガからポジへの変換を細かく調整できる拡張機能を備えています。グラデーションカーブやRGBとCMYヒストグラムを使って、ユーザーのオリジナル作品にカスタマイズできます。独自のフィルムプロファイルを作成したり、既存のプロファイルを必要に応じて編集することも可能です。
The CCR extension is a tool for eliminating color casts. Even if SilverFast doesn’t contain an exactly fitting profile for a special film type or if the original shows a slight color cast itself, this feature can produce a convincing result. Color casts are automatically removed during the negative to positive conversion simply by activating the CCR checkbox in the NegaFix dialog.
Really beautiful color profiles. […] That makes the job a lot easier. Their profiles are pretty good.
NegaFix helps my color workflow enormously. I base my choice of film on the final results and not having to spend time to make my portra-scans look like portra is a real lifesaver. NegaFix profiles are adjusted to each individual scanner so you can be confident that you’re getting the right colors and contrast regardless of the hardware you’re using.
NegaFix is, for me, one of the biggest selling points of SilverFast. They have a lot of really great features, but in my book this one is tops.
LaserSoft Imaging AG