for an optimum sharpness

シルバーファスト・レゾリューション・ターゲット(USAF 1951)

Measure the Maximum Optical Resolution of your Scanner

The SilverFast Resolution Target in combination with SilverFast software is a simple way to determine just what the maximum resolution of your particular scanner is! Obtain scans with the best possible crispness and sharpness.

An optical (also called physical) resolution has always been a requirement in high-end scanning for best quality. Unfortunately today with low priced desktop scanners the term “resolution” has become unclear.

As a second important application, the target helps you find the optimum sharpness settings for a chosen resolution. You can also find the best compromise for your scanner between high resolution and sharpness and determine which parts of your flatbed scanner are scanned particularly sharply or blurry. The SilverFast Resolution Target is equally well suited for flatbed or film scanners.

SilverFast Resolution Target in Detail

Based on the USAF-1951 standard, LaserSoft Imaging developed the SilverFast Resolution Target to make the actually usable resolution of a scanner measurable. This is a transparent scan original, which is suitable for either flatbed or film scanners.

The structure and elements of the Resolution Target are defined to an American military standard. On the target there are smaller and smaller elements, each consisting of black bars of precisely defined width and spacing. These individual elements are numbered and organized into groups on the Resolution Target. The smallest of these elements for which the scanner can just differentiate between two bars, for which the intervening space is thus barely still detectable, can be indicative of the usable resolution of the scanner.
The Resolution Target can also be used to make statements about the sharpness at different resolutions, in order to find the optimum resolution for scanning and to differentiate the sharpness at different points in the scanned area of a flatbed scanner.

35mm Target & 6x7cm Target

Choose between 35mm and 6x7cm Resolution Target.

  • All Features of HDR and additionally:
  • Color Reproduction and Management
  • 非破壊画像最適化
  • バーチャルライトテーブル
  • Dust and Scratch Removal and Clone-Tool


  • All Features of HDR and additionally:
  • Color Reproduction and Management
  • 非破壊画像最適化
  • バーチャルライトテーブル
  • Dust and Scratch Removal and Clone-Tool


Quick Manual 35mm

With the Resolution Target you can determine the best actual usable resolution of your scanner right away. Therefore, you can consult the Quick Manual please.

Detailed Docu 35mm

More information about the Resolution Target, in-depth instructions as well as additional application and background data can be found in the Detailed Documentation.

Quick Manual 6x7cm

With the Resolution Target you can determine the best actual usable resolution of your scanner right away. Therefore, you can consult the Quick Manual please.

Detailed Docu 6x7cm

More information about the Resolution Target, in-depth instructions as well as additional application and background data can be found in the Detailed Documentation.

Also recommended: IT8 Scanner Color Calibration

Learn more about our IT8 Calibration. Our high-quality Targets are available at an affordable price independent from our SilverFast scanning software. You can order the IT8 targets through our Online Store.
