SilverFast – Quality Scanner and Digital Imaging Software made in Germany since 1986

Extended functionality, additional settings & options

SilverFast Expert Mode

Expert Settings for Advanced Users

The user interface of SilverFast is based on a dual concept. Easy-to-use and frequently-used settings are instantly available, while expert settings of the Studio editions, which are needed not that often or require a basic understanding, are placed in a separate area.

SilverFast offers a suitable tool for many requirements. This variety of tools and settings could overwhelm inexperienced users at first. The Expert Mode, which almost every tool in the Studio editions has, lets you open the extra functionality when needed, e.g. when an image requires extra fine-tuning, or if you feel confident in using the basic features of that tool.

The expert settings can be expanded or collapsed by clicking on the doctor’s hat. The button can be found in the lower right corner of the respective tool dialog.

Some of the expert settings contain powerful features that take the tool to a whole new level. We hope you enjoy trying out and becoming acquainted with the Expert Mode.

  • scan multiple frames simultaneously for saving time

  • individual adjustments for every single frame

SRDx Expert Dialog in SilverFast Ai Studio

Watch our Video to learn more about SilverFast’s Batch Scanning functionality

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