SilverFast – Quality Scanner and Digital Imaging Software made in Germany since 1986

Change the color tint of your images to create a specific mood

GCC – Global Color Correction

Global Color Correction

The Global Color Correction is an intuitive tool that can be used creatively to achieve a certain mood and also to restore color balance, e.g. after a color cast has been corrected using automatic image optimization and neutral pipette.


SilverFast features a Global Color Correction GCC and a Selective Color Correction SCC. The selective color correction is used to correct a single color in an image. The global color correction, on the other hand, changes the tint of the entire image.

To correct a color globally is particularly easy and intuitive with SilverFast: Our GCC is controlled via a color wheel with a black dot which can be moved from the neutral center to your desired color. At the same time, the changing color mood can be assessed in the preview window.

Due to the possibility of limiting such changes to half and quarter tones, you can also realize very specific adjustments, for example in particularly light or dark image areas. The well-known color controls for harmonizing cyan/red, magenta/green and yellow/blue are available in expert mode.

Watch our Video to learn more about SilverFast’s Global Color Correction

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