For noise and distracting film grain from highly sensitive analog material, GANE grain and noise elimination is used. Highly complex algorithms provide a significant reduction of these two disorders.
SilverFast - wysokiej jakości skaner i oprogramowanie do obrazowania cyfrowego produkowane w Niemczech od 1986 r.
The reduction of grain and noise can be controlled in the preview window with respect to the final image. This substantially reduces artifacts from noise or film grain.
Grain is becoming visible at higher resolutions with high speed film in the scanning process. The SilverFast GANE filter allows you to influence the strength of this function in three easy steps. In expert mode you can use sliders for fine-tuning. Noise elimination will be more relevant for older scanners and digital cameras.
Watch our Video to learn more about SilverFast’s Grain and Noise Elimination
For noise and distracting film grain from highly sensitive analog material, GANE grain and noise elimination is used. Highly complex algorithms provide a significant reduction of these two disorders.
LaserSoft Imaging AG
Luisenweg 6-8
24105 Kilonia, Niemcy