Thanks to SilverFast we can still use our old Plustek scanner on current operating systems and do not have to buy a new device. Scanner and software run perfectly, that is real sustainability.
SilverFast - wysokiej jakości skaner i oprogramowanie do obrazowania cyfrowego produkowane w Niemczech od 1986 r.
Plustek Inc. was founded in 1986 and is a Taiwanese company headquartered in Taipei, Taiwan. Already shortly after its founding, Plustek Technology established a German branch and situated its European headquarters on the outskirts of Hamburg. In Shenzhen, China, Plustek operates its own research and development center.
Learn about our scanning and archiving solutions for your specific Plustek scanner.
This video explains the benefits of scanner software SilverFast 8 for Plustek scanners
Thanks to SilverFast we can still use our old Plustek scanner on current operating systems and do not have to buy a new device. Scanner and software run perfectly, that is real sustainability.
It’s a lot of fun to digitize my family‘s old slides using the Plustek scanner and SilverFast software. Color casts – no problem. Scratches and dust – no problem. Blurred images – no problem. I award 5 out of 5 stars.
I‘m using the new Plustek 8200i Ai to scan my slides for about two months now. The possibilities to control the output with SilverFast are amazing, I get best results for every original. The dust and scratch removal tool iSRD is especially helpful. Just press the button and the image looks like new.
BASIC, PLUS and PREMIUM editions have different sets of SilverFast feature highlights. Compare SilverFast's Scanner Software editions here.
SilverFast jest dostosowywany indywidualnie do każdego modelu skanera. Wymienione skanery zostały przetestowane i są obsługiwane przez nasze oprogramowanie.
W tym miejscu można upewnić się, że konfiguracja systemu spełnia minimalne wymagania SilverFast dotyczące sprzętu i systemów operacyjnych.
LaserSoft Imaging AG
Luisenweg 6-8
24105 Kilonia, Niemcy