SilverFast - Scanner de qualidade e software de imagem digital fabricados na Alemanha desde 1986

Process and optimize your images fully automatically using the

SilverFast ColorServer

Efficient processing and conversion of large amounts of images

Compared to a manual adjustment of processing parameters for each individual image you can save a lot of work and time using the ColorServer. You create an input folder and a set of image processing rules. SilverFast monitors this folder and applies your rules to all image files, which get stored in this folder. The results can be found in an associated output folder, while your originals are moved into an archive folder.

ColorServer Concept

Karl-Heinz Zahorsky, founder and CEO: « Some day when I was watching a catalog production, I noticed the really time-consuming work of processing the image originals. The idea arose to automate all repetitive processes using a special SilverFast edition. »

The ColorServer monitors the input folders and applies previously defined image processing rules to all images that are stored in an input folder.

Application: Museum

In the context of long-term archiving, museums and other institutes need flexible tools for the professional conversion of image formats while taking color management into account, especially in the form of freely assignable rendering intents and color profiles.

The ColorServer is a very interesting solution for this task, especially since getting familiarized with the software is very easy and the conversion workflow is well-arranged.

How is the SilverFast ColorServer working?

All image optimization features available in SilverFast HDR Studio 8.8 can be added to the ColorServer rules. You can specify additional parameters such as image size and resolution as well as you can perform color space conversions. If you have multiple originals scanned at once, you can use the SilverFast Frame Finding to detect them automatically.

  • HDR Conversion: System-wide 48bit color space workflow

  • Color Consistency: ONE dedicated color management system for input data from any source

Create a separate imput folder for every processing workflow. You can re-use this folder and its processing rules again and again. Each input folder has a corresponding output folder, so you always keep track of your image data. The ColorServer processes image data that you have created with your scanner. Especially data in SilverFast HDRiRAW format are suited therefore. But you can also process images from other sources with the ColorServer.

Watch our Video to learn more about SilverFast’s ColorServer for fully automated image optimization

Color Space Conversion

Professional image processing often requires to quickly and reliably convert image files to a different color space. The SilverFast ColorServer ensures an automatic color space conversion according to your specifications. Therefore just select your the desired target color space and the conversion method (Rendering Intent) in the CMS (Color Management System) tab. SilverFast ColorServer will convert all files that are moved into the input folder automatically to this target color space and store the output data in the output folder.

Requirements for using the SilverFast ColorServer

  • SilverFast HDR Studio 8.8 or

  • SilverFast Archive Suite 8.8

ColorServer Manual

We are happy to present our ColorServer Guide so that you can get an overview of the concept and workflow of this powerful tool.

Optional: ColorServer

Order your SilverFast ColorServer right now as an option for the SilverFast Archive Suite or for SilverFast HDR Studio.
