SilverFast - Scanner de qualidade e software de imagem digital fabricados na Alemanha desde 1986

The SilverFast VLT is a Virtual Light Table, a kind of image file browser for scanned images. The VLT is used for selecting the desired scans for image optimization in batch mode quickly and well-arranged.
Comfortable viewing of your images with the Virtual Light Table


Image File Browser for digital Images

Using our Virtual Light Table VLT you will keep everything in view. It is the ideal tool for categorizing and selecting your images.

What exactly is the VLT?

The SilverFast VLT (included in SilverFast HDR and SilverFast HDR Studio) is a Virtual Light Table, a kind of image file browser for scanned images. The VLT is used for selecting the desired scans for image optimization in batch mode quickly and well-arranged. The customizable preview function, and the possibilities for image rating and marking facilitate this process.

Watch our Video to learn more about SilverFast’s Virtual Light Table

Archiving Workflow with our SilverFast Archive Suite and with our VLT

Alguns scanners de película oferecem a funcionalidade de digitalizar automaticamente revistas de diapositivos inteiras.

1. Batch Scanning into HDRiRAW data format

O botão "Overview" abre uma caixa de diálogo, onde o número de slides a digitalizar pode ser especificado em "Settings". Uma rápida digitalização geral deve ser efectuada clicando em "OK". Todos os slides que não devem ser digitalizados podem ser desmarcados na caixa de diálogo de vista geral. Se os slides são muito semelhantes, é suficiente ajustar a moldura de digitalização e as definições de imagem para o primeiro slide. Estes parâmetros serão também aplicados a todos os outros slides. A digitalização em lote é iniciada da seguinte forma:

Um clique rápido do rato no botão "Digitalizar" inicia uma digitalização normal e única da moldura vermelha de digitalização ativa. Se mantiver este botão premido durante algum tempo, abre-se um menu onde pode selecionar a funcionalidade de digitalização em lote. Depois de soltar o botão do rato, a digitalização em lote é iniciada automaticamente. Seguindo o mesmo procedimento, o modo pode ser alterado de novo para varrimento individual.

  • digitalizar vários slides subsequentemente

  • ajustes individuais para cada fotograma ou

  • as mesmas definições para diapositivos semelhantes

2. Using VLT to select images for optimization

For image optimization, SilverFast HDR (Studio) is the software. Therefore, the VLT tool is perfect for sorting and selecting images, just like a real light table for mounted slides or film strips. Disk directories are easily imported using a navigation tool. An overview area shows small thumbnails of the images contained in the selected directory. There also is a zoom functionality to quickly view an image in detail. For categorization, color marks and ratings can be added to each image.

From version 9.1.2, the VLT allows to select and combine various filters in order to search an image archive recursively. The list or gallery view will only show those files that meet the selected criteria. In this way, these files can be quickly marked, imported into the JobManager and created as a job. This makes it very easy to process selected images from several folders in a single job without having to copy these images into one folder.

Files that do not meet the filter criteria are hidden as long as the filter is activated. Filters can be managed and configured in detail by clicking on the filter icon.

3. Batch processing of image optimizations

All images will now be listed in the JobManager dialog window as single job entries. Each job can be optimized as needed with the known SilverFast tools. However, the JobManager’s great strength is to easily copy tool settings from one job to many others. After all settings have been adjusted, the batch processing of all jobs can be started. SilverFast performs the image optimization and saves the new image files to the hard disk.

VLT Manual

VLT, the Virtual Light Table in SilverFast HDR and SilverFast HDR Studio, works as an ideal link to SilverFast scanner software.
