SilverFast - Scanner de qualidade e software de imagem digital fabricados na Alemanha desde 1986

Our PREMIUM Image Processing Software

Estúdio HDR SilverFast

Retouching • Optimizing • Processing

SilverFast HDR Studio is the premium edition of SilverFast‘s digital imaging software with the widest range of features. It is therefore suitable for all who want to achieve best results when optimizing their images. SilverFast HDR (High Dynamic Range) uses 64bit / 48bit image data for a high contrast range and thus for more image details.

Powerful features included with SilverFast HDR Software:

SilverFast HDR Studio handles color restoration and color management at the highest level. The user interface, which lets you always have the most important tools for professional image optimization in sight, allows you to easily eliminate color casts, adjust brightness levels, remove dust and scratches, sharpen your images, and apply exposure compensation.

Do you often lose yourself in hundreds of features and countless tool palettes that you never need? Then SilverFast HDR (High Dynamic Range) is the excellent alternative to image editing programs such as Photoshop, Affinity Photo, Luminar and Photoshop Elements.

SilverFast HDR Studio is the ideal complement to SilverFast scanner software. After you have quickly scanned your images into the 64bit / 48bit HDR(i) RAW data format, which contains all the image information that can be captured, you can later efficiently optimize them with SilverFast HDR Studio. The Auto Adaptive Contrast Optimization AACO can optimize dark, high-contrast image areas in the twinkling of an eye, without affecting details in the highlights. Many users, photographers and institutions, where image processing is part of everyday life, rely on SilverFast software. SilverFast HDR Studio enables a lossless workflow with powerful tools for automatic and manual image optimization.

SilverFast HDR Studio is suitable for all already scanned images and for all other digital images except for proprietary RAW data formats. Download free trial software and convince yourself.


Saiba mais sobre o conceito e as caraterísticas do SilverFast Digital Imaging Software


SilverFast – so much more than just image processing! HDR Studio focuses on the essentials of digital image processing and in this area is a real alternative to Photoshop.

SilverFast inclui uma série de funcionalidades poderosas. Abaixo, encontrará uma lista dos principais destaques desta versão. Mais informações sobre outros destaques de SilverFast podem ser encontradas em nosso visão geral de todas as funcionalidades do SilverFast.


Ideal para arquivar imagens

Mesa de luz virtual

Mesa de luz virtual


Conversão de filme negativo em positivo

Gestor de trabalho

Processamento em lote

Imagem automática

Otimização inteligente de imagens

Modo especialista

Extras para utilizadores avançados

Ferramenta de clonagem

Ferramenta para clonar píxeis


Assistente de digitalização guiada

SilverFast Archive Suite

As a complete solution for a special price we recommend our SilverFast Archive Suite. Benefit from fully automatic IT8 scanner calibration for accurate, true to original colors. Enjoy rapid scanning into a 64bit HDRi RAW data archive, incl. infrared data using SilverFast Ai Studio. Process image optimizations for different applications using SilverFast HDR Studio at any time later.

Guia rápido SilverFast

Temos o prazer de lhe apresentar o nosso guia SilverFast SE para que possa ter uma visão geral do conceito e do fluxo de trabalho do seu software.

HDR Supplemental Sheet

SilverFast Scanner software and HDR software are quite similar to use. This supplemental sheet shows the differences.

Requisitos do sistema

Aqui pode garantir que a configuração do seu sistema cumpre os requisitos mínimos de SilverFast em termos de hardware e sistemas operativos.
