SilverFast - качественные сканеры и программное обеспечение для работы с цифровыми изображениями, производимые в Германии с 1986 года
In any market and on any continent: LaserSoft Imaging’s dealers and distributors cover all regions on Earth. Our partners distribute our products worldwide, thus staying in direct contact with the customers. Real globality does not only mean being present to us, but to first and foremost: think and act cosmopolitan.
Of course, you can also order directly through our Интернет-магазин. Software downloads are available to you immediately after receipt of payment. Depending on the delivery address, we will send shipping items from our location in Germany or in Florida, USA.
LaserSoft Imaging AG
Луизенвег 6-8
24105 Киль, Германия