SilverFast - качественные сканеры и программное обеспечение для работы с цифровыми изображениями, производимые в Германии с 1986 года

SilverFast's unique Focus Control!

For maximum sharpness and detail:

Did you know that there are premium scanners which allow you to adjust the focus of the optics? This means the focus can be moved up or down a few millimeters to optimize the image sharpness.

Why is Focus Control needed?

Setting the focus precisely always improves the result if the (image) material to be scanned is out of focus. This can be the case, for example, if originals are slightly curved, which is particularly common with larger originals. Slides often have frames of varying thicknesses and film strips are rarely completely flat, so the ideal focus point can vary. If the focus is set correctly, you will obtain clear and sharp images.

Our SilverFast 9 Focus Control is unique in the world as you have five options for controlling the focus accuracy. This gives you perfect control over your scans at all times:

  • Neutral Focus
  • AutoFocus on center point
  • AutoFocus on an optimal point
  • AutoFocus to a user defined point
  • Manual Focus (Focus Dialog)

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